Prairie and Woodland Restoration Tour with Habitat Architects

20 Sep 2024

Prairie and Woodland Restoration Tour with Habitat Architects

Friday, September 20, 2024, 1:00pm

Visit an approximately 250-acre private land restoration that includes numerous habitat types in different stages of restoration.  Participants will get a firsthand look at what restoration efforts look like over time for several habitat types including prairie conversions, woodland restoration, open water, and native landscaping.  Emphasis will be given to the effects of fire on habitats as they have progressed.

Please wear clothes and footwear appropriate for hiking off-trail, and bring sun and tick protection (hats, bug repellent, sunscreen, etc.)

Register now for Plan It Native 2025 and take advantage of our very best early bird discount – only $225 for two full days! Plus, early registrants can add this special Halfway to Plan It Native field trip for only $50! The Prairie and Woodland Restoration Tour field trip registration is limited to 25.