Fred Rozumalski

Barr Engineering Company, Ecologist and Landscape Architect

Fred Rozumalski

Barr Engineering Company, Ecologist and Landscape Architect


Presenting: Understanding Public Perceptions of Native Vegetation and Landscaping:  Working with “Neatniks” to Create Sustainable Native Landscapes

Fred Rozumalski is an ecologist and landscape architect currently employed in the water resources division of Barr Engineering Company in Minneapolis, MN. A believer in the power of every landowner’s potential to help regenerate ecological balance, Fred has developed a specialty in designing practical landscapes that sequester carbon, harvest stormwater, and conserve energy. His work ranges from writing city-wide green infrastructure plans, to restoring native ecosystems, to designing corporate urban environments that feature prairie restoration. Fred is committed to teaching others to implement sustainable landscapes. Fred holds degrees in horticulture, ecology and landscape architecture. He also co-authored the book Lakescaping for Wildlife and Water Quality with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and has been adjunct faculty in the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Minnesota.


All sessions by Fred Rozumalski