
Dan Shaw

Senior Ecologist and Vegetation Specialist, BWSR; Professor, University of Minnesota

Dan Shaw

Senior Ecologist and Vegetation Specialist, BWSR; Professor, University of Minnesota


Dan Shaw is the Senior Ecologist and Vegetation Specialist with the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) and a Professor at the University of Minnesota.  His work focuses on building conservation partnerships, stormwater management, plant community restoration, climate mitigation and adaptation, and pollinator protection. He has taught design and ecological restoration classes for the past 23 years and worked on several publications including “Plants for Stormwater Design,” The “Minnesota Wetland Restoration Guide, “Planting for Pollinators” and “The Blue Thumb Guide to Raingardens.”

All sessions by Dan Shaw

Lawns to Legumes

16 Feb 2024