Prairie Stewardship In Today’s World

11 Feb 2025

Prairie Stewardship In Today’s World

Gosh, it’s a wild world out there, huh?  The climate is changing, invasive species and woody plants are coming from every direction, and habitats are becoming increasingly fragmented.  How are we supposed to save what’s left of the prairie?  There are so many tradeoffs to consider!  If we burn frequently enough to stave off woody plants, we might lose many of our insects.  Mowing can help suppress some invasives, but it can facilitate others.  What to do?  It’s important to recognize your available options, be clear about your objectives, and act, learn, and adapt.  We’ll discuss a range of potential objectives and strategies that might apply to the situation you find yourself in.  We’ll also talk about adapting expectations for what “high-quality prairie” is, given today’s conditions.  Prairies are resilient, but they rely on human stewardship to stay that way – just as they have for millennia.