

The 2021 Plan It Native Landscapes Conference, hosted by Deep Roots and its partners, will offer more than 20 live, interactive sessions, three inspiring keynote speakers, and opportunities to connect with peers and sponsors. Sessions will include expert advice for landscapes small to large, as well as a new track focused on effective communications, policy, and behavior change.

Plan It Native attendees include municipalities, parks departments, landscape architects, conservation agencies, landscapers, nurseries, non-profit organizations, students, educators, and home gardeners.

Deep Roots is now accepting session proposals for the 2021 Plan It Native conference, which will be held virtually.

To be considered for the 2021 conference, please submit proposals by 5pm on May 21st, 2021. Proposals received after that date may still be reviewed if agenda space remains.

We welcome you to refer other professionals interested in speaking, or to put together a session with your colleagues. All sessions are 50 minutes in length, including Q&A. Example presentation topics are listed in our Call for Proposals document, with consideration given to any relevant topic outside these suggestions.  For examples of previous successful proposals, please see our 2019 and 2020 conference programs.

Priority will be given to proposals from members of underrepresented groups, and to those who have not previously presented at Plan It Native.

Selected presenters will receive complimentary conference admission If your session has multiple presenters, please include information here for all speakers listed on this form.